Lola and Olivia each have different "daily" chores to do around the house. Some of Lola's duties include: sorting and putting away clean silverware in the drawer, helping to fold and sort laundry - mostly socks and underwear :), setting the table for dinner, and putting away toys after playing. Olivia's duties include: helping put wet laundry into the dryer, putting away toys after playing and - her favorite - throwing away trash for us. She's the "Chief of Sanitation" around our house! She has also recently taken it upon herself to dust and reachable surface with any available cloth, blanket, kleenex or piece of clothing!
With these responsibilities comes the desire for MORE responsibilities! They both want to help mommy with everything. This can sometimes be overwhelming, yet can also be a blessing as they are excited to learn about these important skills for keeping a home. Therefore, I try to to include them whenever possible even if it's just a small part of the big job.
On this particular morning, Lola wanted to help with a small load of dishes I was working on. Since the load consisted of mostly cups and bowls, I thought this would be a good chance to show her what I do.



She was so proud of herself!
1 comment:
How are the Loschens doing this holiday season? I'm ready for more belly pictures! And those girls have had to do tons of cute things lately!
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