Monday, March 29, 2010

Happy Birthday, Lena!

One Day Old:

One Week Old:

One-Year Old:

Happy Birthday, Lena Mae!


Amy said...

When I read your title I thought, "Wait, what? One year?" WOW!
We have not seen enough pictures of this adorable little lady, Jen! Too cute!
Happy Birthday, Lena!

Amy S. said...

She is so adorable! All of your girls have the most beautiful eyes!

The Rouse House said...

Happy Birthday, Lena!

The Loschen Family said...

Amy M. - - I know! I have been terrible about posting pictures of our tiny Lena. I see that I haven't posted since Lola's birthday in January. YIKES! I have some catching up to do....I'll try to make up for it in April :).